Reimagining Ireland’s Bogs: Panel Discussion and Exhibition Launch at The National Botanic Gardens

Date: 01/02/2025
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Location: National Botanic Gardens

This panel discussion is free to attend and takes places in the National Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre Auditorium.

PLACES MUST BE BOOKED THROUGH EVENTBRITEReimagining Ireland's Bogs: Panel Discussion and Exhibition Launch Tickets, Sat, Feb 1, 2025 at 2:00 PM | Eventbrite

Bogs and peatlands have always been dynamic landscapes and are now at the heart of a transformative shift. This panel brings together four perspectives on Irish bogs and peatlands today, exploring research, architecture, agriculture, biodiversity and the arts, illuminating the cultural, ecological, and socio-economic transitions taking place across the midlands and the need for continued stewardship of these landscapes.

Traditionally viewed as working landscapes associated with turf-cutting and Bord na Móna, these iconic landscapes are evolving into spaces of restoration, conservation, and community and cultural renewal. This bog-inspired cultural renaissance sees writers, artists, communities and other groups reimagining their significance in Irish life. Yet threats to Ireland’s peatlands remain, as extractive activities continue in some areas and forestry and renewables are seen as appropriate after-use of the bog.

Bob Speers is an artist whose current exhibition Thin Places will be running in the gallery of the National Botanic Gardens from February 1st to 23rd. He describes the peatlands and bogs which feature in his painting as mystical or Thin Places. These are places where the boundary between our tangible world and the unseen world seem to touch.

Kate Flood is a peatland researcher exploring the cultural and social dimensions of peatlands and the role of communities in the restoration and conservation of peatlands.

Evelyn D’Arcy is an architect and co-founder of collaborative practice 12th Field. In partnership with Irish Architecture Foundation, 12th Field are currently working on Bog Bothy, a transformative place making project co-creating spaces for shelter, retreat, and deep engagement with Ireland’s evolving peat landscapes.

Katie Smirnova has worked with the FarmPEAT Project to engage with farmers and communities around the Midlands' raised bogs. Currently, she is helping to develop the knowledge and data-sharing PeatSense Platform. This is a free event taking place the Visitor Centre Auditorium

Saturday, February 1 st  2 - 3pm GMT. Doors at 1:45pm
2025-01-27T14:00:08+00:00January 27th, 2025|

Walk & Talk at Kilbogget Park

Date: 31/01/2025
Time: 10:30 - 12:30
Location: Kilbogget Park Churchview Road A96 H7E2 Ballybrack


The theme of this year’s World Wetlands Day is “Protecting wetlands for our common future”. The Kill-O-The-Grange stream and the Integrated Constructed Wetland (ICW) at Kilbogget Park , nestled within the urban setting of Cabinteely/Loughlinstown is a wonderful example of how important our wetlands are, for our wellbeing, nature’s wellbeing and our journey towards resilience in the face of biodiversity loss and climate change. It is vital that we learn to protect the diverse array of wetland ecosystems that Ireland supports, for not only nature’s benefit, but for our common future.

Join Justin Ivory Community Water Officer with LAWPRO (Local Authority Waters Programme) and conservation ecologist Aoife O’Rourke for a 1.5-2 hour walk & talk around the Kilbogget ICW, sharing our knowledge and passion for wetlands and why they are so important.

Note: As we will be outdoors and walking off path at times please wear suitable clothing and footwear.


World Wetlands Day (WWD) 2025 Event - Walk & Talk at Kilbogget Park Tickets, Fri, Jan 31, 2025 at 10:30 AM | Eventbrite

By Local Authorities Water Programme (LAWPRO)

2025-01-27T14:02:30+00:00January 27th, 2025|

Westmeath Celebrating wetlands at Lough Ennell

Date: 01/02/2025
Time: 11:00 - 13:00
Location: Lilliput Car Park N91 W97W


Lough Ennell is an important site for nature conservation in Westmeath and is designated a Special Area of Conservation, a Special Protection Area and a Ramsar Site. Lough Ennell is a haven for wildlife and the lake and fringing wetland habitats support a great biodiversity.

We would love to see you visit Lilliput, Lough Ennell on Saturday 1st February to celebrate World Wetlands Day with us, to raise awareness about the vital role of wetlands for people and our planet.

The walk and talk will be led by two local experts – George Smith (Botanist) and Gordon Wycherley (Birdwatch Westmeath).

Meeting point: Lilliput Car Park N91 W97W

Date: 1st February Saturday

Time: 11am -1pm approx.

The walk will take 2 hours depending on the weather and you should dress appropriately for conditions! Walk distances will be short and the walking will not be strenuous, but if feasible, we may venture off it and you should wear suitable waterproofs and footwear!

2025-01-28T21:34:25+00:00January 27th, 2025|

Westfields, Limerick outing to celebrate World Wetland’s Day

Date: 02/02/2025
Time: 10:00 - 11:30
Location: Westfields, Limerick

Outing to Westfields to celebrate World Wetlands Day  Sunday 2nd February 10am-11.30am   Register  for this free event here


Westfields gives an excellent opportunity to view wintering wildfowl and to learn about the importance of wetlands. Although we can never guarantee what birds will be there on the day we hope to see Coot and Moorhen and Tufted Duck, the resident mute swans, heron and blackhead gulls along with a possibility of Pochard, Gadwall, little Grebes and others. Westfields is a central location to view wintering wildfowl.

Tom Tarpey from the Limerick Branch of BirdWatch Ireland will lead the outing. Please dress appropriately for the weather, waterproofs, hats, sensible footwear etc.

2025-01-27T14:03:23+00:00January 23rd, 2025|

Wintering Waterbirds, Castletown Estuary, Dundalk. Co. Louth

Date: 02/02/2025
Time: 13:30
Location: Castletown Estuary. Dundalk, Co. Louth


George’s Quay, Dundalk Port at 1.30pm on Sunday 2nd February 2025.

Waterbirds are an important indicator of the health of our wetlands. Join Derek Watters from the BirdWatch Louth Branch this World Wetlands Day for a guided birdwatching walk along the banks of the lower reaches of the Castletown Estuary, Dundalk Bay. Attendees should meet at the at the carpark at George's Quay.  Google Maps:

The loop walk along the lower reaches of the Castletown Estuary is approximately 2.5km long. Please dress appropriately for the winter weather conditions, with suitable footwear and warm protective clothing. There will be a small number of binoculars available on the day but please bring your own binoculars or telescopes if you have your own. This is a family event suitable for adults and children aged 7+. Children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times. Please note: This event is weather dependent and may have to be rescheduled if it is very cold, wet or windy.

Organised by the Biodiversity office at Louth County Council

2025-01-27T22:10:28+00:00January 23rd, 2025|

Galway’s ConTempo Quartet and Birdwatch Ireland short film premiere

Date: 01/02/2025
Time: 17:30
Location: AV Room at Connemara National Park, near Letterfrack, Co. Galway
Celebrate World Wetlands Day with a special music and film event!
Join us on Saturday, February 1st at 5:30pm in the AV Room at Connemara National Park. Enjoy a performance by Galway's ConTempo Quartet and the premiere of a new short film by BirdWatch Ireland. Admission is free!
This event is a joint collaboration between NPWS, BirdWatch Ireland, the Heritage Council, Galway County Council and Galway Music Residency.

Déan ceiliúradh ar Lá Domhanda na mBogach le hócáid speisialta scannáin agus ceoil! Bígí linn Dé Sathairn, 1 Feabhra ag 5:30pm sa Seomra AV ag Páirc Náisiúnta Chonamara. Bain sult as cur i láthair a bheidh  ag ConTempo Quartet chomh maith le cur i láthair don chead uair de ghearrscannán nua le BirdWatch Ireland.

Beidh saorchead isteach!

Is comhoibriú é an ócáid seo idir NPWS, BirdWatch Ireland, an Chomhairle Oidhreachta, Comhairle Chontae na Gaillimhe agus Galway Music Residency.

2025-01-27T14:04:40+00:00January 23rd, 2025|

A Talk on Wetland Birds

Date: 04/02/2025
Time: 07:00
Location: Naas Library and Cultural Centre



Tuesday February 4th 7pm

Naas Library and Cultural Centre

Talk by John Kennedy


John is a GIS professional and data analyst, specialising in ecological data and also works as a BirdWatch Ireland Scientific officer on the Irish Wetland Bird Survey (IWEBS). He conducts voluntary surveys at key wetland sites in Co. Kildare.

This talk will cover recording and analysis, bird population trends, and how we may be able to play a part in saving species  on the brink.


Tea/coffee on arrival from 6.30pm, queries to



2025-01-27T14:05:04+00:00January 23rd, 2025|

Wexford Wildfowl Reserve Wetlands Celebration

Date: 02/02/2025
Time: 11:00
Location: Wexford Wildfowl Reserve


Join us to celebrate World Wetlands Day at Wexford Wildfowl Reserve on Sunday 2nd February from 11am.

We will be celebrating World Wetlands Day down at the Reserve with local wildlife artist Dave Daly.

Dave will be leading an informal chat and birdwatch at 11am and then again at 2pm. As spaces in the observation tower are limited, if you wish to join one of the groups we would ask that you phone the Centre on 01 5393460, email or DM us.

There's no charge and it will be first come, first served

Also in the Visitor Centre we will have information on World Wetlands Day and the animals that live in the wetlands, as well as a sample of some of the creatures to be found in the water around the Reserve.

Organised by the National Parks and Wildlife Service and by Wexford County Council Biodiversity Office.

2025-01-29T15:34:54+00:00January 23rd, 2025|

Arts and crafts at Clara Bog

Date: 02/02/2025
Time: 10:00 - 17:00
Location: Clara Bog Visitor Centre, Ballycumber Road Clara, Co. Offaly R35 T621





Celebrate World Wetlands Day with Clara Bog Nature Reserve & Visitor Centre. Join us on Sunday 2nd February to take part in wetlands-themed arts & crafts, and to learn more about wetlands and their importance. Suitable for all ages.


Contact details

The boardwalk at Clara Bog Nature Reserve is open and accessible all day all year round and is 1.5 km from the visitor centre.


2025-01-23T19:20:58+00:00January 23rd, 2025|

Clare World Wetlands Day Event

Date: 04/02/2025
Time: 19:00 - 20:30
Location: Ennis Civic Room



Location: Buttermarket Building, Drumbiggle Road, Ennis, Clare  Eircode: V95RR72

Date and Time: 7pm−8:30pm; Tuesday, 4th of February 2025.


Event Description:

This event is organised by Clare County Council’s Biodiversity Office to celebrate World Wetlands Day. The event will see the launch of both the Clare Wetland Story Map  and  new wetland guidelines aimed at community groups and landowners called ‘Community Action: A Beginner’s Guide to Wetlands’ .

The Clare Wetland Story Map is a new online digital interactive map that profiles ten wetland sites the public can visit and value in County Clare. It also includes a description of wetland habitats found in County Clare and a list of resources for communities, schools and landowners.

The new wetland guidance ‘Community Action: A Beginner’s Guide to Wetlands’ was developed  in conjunction with the Community Wetlands Forum, Clare County Council and Monaghan County Council.  is aimed at community groups and landowners to encourage the promotion of wetlands in their local area, or to help those who wish to embark on a wetland conservation project. This could range from including wetlands in Community Biodiversity Action Plans, undertaking a conservation project to hosting walks and talks.

The event will also provide an update on the  2024 Clare Wetland Field Surveys. Speakers will include Laurence Fullam of the Community Wetlands Forum, Patrick Crushell and Poppy Overy of Wetland Surveys Ireland and Barry O’Loughlin, Biodiversity Officer with Clare County Council. This event is aimed at communities and landowners undertaking biodiversity actions in their locality and as an educational resource.

2025-01-27T14:07:07+00:00January 23rd, 2025|
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