Wintering birds on the Shannon Callows

Date: 01/02/2025
Time: 10:00 - 12:00
Location: Banagher, Co. Offaly



Join us to celebrate World Wetlands Day from 10am to 12pm on Saturday the 1st of February, meeting at Crank House Car Park, Banagher, Co.Offaly.

Join Brian Caffrey of BirdWatch Ireland to observe wintering waterbirds, including, waders, ducks, swans and egrets at sites along the iconic Shannon Callows close to Banagher.

The event is free of charge and please dress for forecasted weather!

Meet at 10am at Crank House Car Park, Banagher, Co. Offaly  R42 DE61


2025-01-27T14:07:36+00:00January 22nd, 2025|

Guided walk to a Burren turlough

Date: 02/02/2025
Time: 14:30 - 16:00
Location: Burren National Park


To celebrate World Wetlands Day, Burren National Park guides will be running a guided walk to Knockaunroe Turlough on Sunday 2nd February at 2.30pm. The meeting point for the walk is the Burren National Park trailhead at Gortlecka cross near Kilnaboy.

Join us on a guided walk to Knockaunroe turlough in the Burren National Park to discover this unique habitat and the flora and fauna that live there.

The walk will last about 1.5 hours over a distance of about 1.5km along a trail that is uneven in places.

As is the nature of a turlough, water levels fluctuate so wellies are recommended in case the trail is flooded.

This event is free but booking is required as places are limited. For further information and to book, people can contact the Burren National Park Information Point at 065 6827693 or


2025-01-27T14:08:08+00:00January 21st, 2025|

World Wetlands Day 2024 – Ballycroy (Mayo)

Date: 02/02/2024
Time: 12:30
Location: Ballycroy Visitor Centre

Join us at 12.30pm on Friday the 2nd of February at The Ballycroy Visitor Centre as we celebrate World Wetlands Day with a guided walk around the 2km nature trail at the Visitor Centre.

Our guide will lead you on walk to discover how our blanket bogs were formed and how they are important habitats for our wildlife, act as carbon sinks and are a natural vast water reservoir.

At the visitor Centre we will have free Blanket bog plant ID sheets, and have a demonstration on how our Atlantic Blanket bogs were formed.

Our walk is free of charge and is all on our buggy and wheelchair friendly trail.  Please dress for the weather!

Meet at the Ballycroy Visitor Centre at The Wild Nephin National Park

Contact: Ballycroy Visitor Centre 098 49888; email:

2024-01-31T11:41:26+00:00January 31st, 2024|

WORLD WETLANDS DAY 2024 – National (online)

Date: 02/02/2024
Time: 09:30 - 10:30
Location: Online (Webinar)

As part of their Signpost Series, and co-incident with World Wetlands Day 2024, Teagasc are delighted to host Dr Mícheál Callaghan from the Community Wetlands Forum.

Mícheál will present a webinar on "Community led action for wetlands: Lessons from the Community Wetlands Forum"

The Community Wetlands Forum CLG aims to promote develop, and support community-led wetland conservation for the public benefit; and to provide a representative platform for community-led wetland conservation groups, with 40 community group members across the country engaged in different initiatives to protect and promote the benefits of healthy wetlands.

Registration is essential - to book for the Signpost webinar – click on the link

2024-01-30T14:06:24+00:00January 30th, 2024|

World Wetlands Day 2024 – Killarney (Kerry)

Date: 02/02/2024
Time: 10:30
Location: King's Bridge

To celebrate WWD 2024, NPWS staff from Killarney National Park Education Centre will lead a walk along the Deenagh River from Kings's Bridge to the mouth of the river where it flows into Lough Leane.

Along the way we will discuss the importance of conserving and protecting our waterways, we will look at some of the birds and animals that occur along the river (such as otter, heron, dipper, daubenton's bat) and some of the interesting plant that occur in the riparian woodlands and on the river bank.

Booking is essential as spaces are limited. Please book here:

Please meet at King's Bridge (opposite St Mary's Cathedral) on Friday 02 Feb at 10:30, wearing appropriate outdoor footwear and clothing.


2024-01-30T14:33:53+00:00January 30th, 2024|

World Wetlands Day 2024 – Coole Park Nature Reserve (Galway)

Date: 02/02/2024
Time: 14:30 - 16:00
Location: Coole Park Nature Reserve (Visitor Centre)

To celebrate World Wetlands Day, NPWS at Coole Park Nature Reserve (Gort) invite you to come and see this beautiful area and and its rich wetland habitats and wildlife!

Staff will be running a free guided walk and bird-spotting event at our turlough site, led by NPWS conservation and guide staff in Coole Park Nature Reserve.

Booking is not required - please meet at the Visitor Centre. at 2:30pm.

Though telescopes and binoculars are available, if you have your own, please bring them.

Please note: The walk is not suitable for very young children; only assistance dogs are permitted at events at Coole.

2024-01-30T14:34:18+00:00January 30th, 2024|

World Wetlands Day 2024 – Clara Bog (Offaly)

Date: 02/02/2024
Time: 13:00 - 15:00
Location: Clara Bog Nature Reserve

The NPWS Clara Bog Nature Guides invite you to join us at Clara to celebrate World Wetlands Day!

Education Guides will be on the boardwalk between 1pm and 3pm on Friday 2nd February – call in anytime between 1pm and 3pm to talk to us, learn about Clara Bog Nature Reserve, and take part in some activities. Booking not required.


2024-02-02T11:02:37+00:00January 30th, 2024|

World Wetlands Day 2024 – Lough Erne (online; Fermanagh)

Start date: 30/01/2024
End date: 29/02/2024
All-day event
Location: YouTube

Back in November 2023 @Lough Erne Waders held a workshop on breeding wader conservation and management in Northern Ireland - with a range of talks on the subject by organisations/individuals from Ireland, N Ireland, Great Britain and the continent.

Throughout the annual cycle these species are associated with wetlands of one type or other - tundra, temperature coastal Machair, bogs and lowland wet grassland in summer and estuaries for staging and wintering.

Though this precedes WWD, the timing of the release of the presentations is nearly co-incident and worth a watch! The keynotes included:

  • Working Together for Waders - the role of Europe's game shooting community (Dr David Scallan, Sec Gen FACE)
  • Saving Curlews across the UK (Mary Colwell, Curlew Action founder, author and broadcaster)
  • Curlews and Forestry (Patrick Laurie, author, hill-farmer and land management consultant)
  • The importance of predation management in wader recovery (Dr Andrew Hoodless, GWCT)

Breeding Waders are a hot topic right now - most species are red-listed in Ireland, populations globally are not faring well and there is much to do if we are to retain populations. In fact 2024-27 a new national DAFM/NPWS Breeding Wader EIP will be operating to try to help!


These are available now:…

2024-01-29T20:10:32+00:00January 29th, 2024|

World Wetlands Day 2024 – Bull Island (Dublin)

Date: 03/02/2024
Time: 11:00
Location: Bull Island Interpretive Centre

BirdWatch Ireland and Dublin City Council are running a free event at Bull Island on February 3rd. in the heart of the capital Bull Island is an extraordinarily important wetland in many ways - huge volumes of birds and lots of people side-by-side!

Learn about birds which migrate to and from Dublin Bay each year at a free talk in the Bull Island Interpretive Centre at 11:00, followed by birdwatching on the island afterwards.

All welcome!

Note that BWI are running additional events at the Boyne Estuary and a workshop in Limerick (see other posts for details)

2024-02-02T09:28:53+00:00January 29th, 2024|

World Wetlands Day 2024 – Newpark Fen (Kilkenny)

Date: 03/02/2024
Time: 10:00
Location: Newark Fen

To mark World Wetlands Day, the Kilkenny Branch of BirdWatch Ireland is hosting a meet up at the Newpark Fen, in Kilkenny City on Saturday the 3rd of FebruaryMeeting at the fen entrance at 10am.

If unfamiliar with the location, the New Park Close Family Resource Centre is across the road, its Eircode is R95PF63.

The members of BirdWatch Ireland will lead a walk around the fen, providing information on birds seen or heard as a loop of the fen is walked.  As this is an outdoor event, please wear suitable clothing and footwear.

2024-01-29T13:12:54+00:00January 29th, 2024|
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