World Wetlands Day 2024 – Fitzgeralds Woodlands House Hotel & Spa (Limerick)

Date: 01/02/2024
Time: 19:00 - 21:30

Discover why we need to preserve and restore these richly biodiverse ecosystems that underpin human wellbeing. In Limerick, the county's City and County Council are hosting a WWD Workshop on 1st February.

Registration is essential here -

The itinerary for the workshop is as follows:

19:00 - Welcome by Mayor of Limerick City and County Council or a representative

19:10 - Importance and ecology of wetlands - Speaker: Nuala Madigan, Chief Executive of the Irish Peatland Conservation Council.

19:30 - Wetland Birds and Wintering Wildfowl in Limerick – Speaker: Tom Tarpey, Limerick Branch of BirdWatch Ireland.

19:50 - Nature Based Solutions - Benefitting wildlife & humans - Speaker: - Fran Igoe Regional Coordinator. South East Region, South West Region, Local Authorities Water Programme

20:10 Discussion and Q&A

20:30 – A chance to network with Tidy Towns groups and wildlife enthusiasts over refreshments

21:30 – Event Ends


All welcome to register, places available on a first come first service basis – please feel free to share with family and friends

2024-01-28T22:38:33+00:00January 28th, 2024|

World Wetlands Day 2024 – Ardee Bog and surrounds (Louth II)

Date: 03/02/2024
Time: 10:00 - 18:30

Friends of Ardee Bog are running a series of super events on 3rd February 2024 - various activities at various locations as follows:

At Stormanstown Bog: 10:00-14:00

  • Forest bathing with forest therapy guide Fiona Crawley (book via QR code below) 10-12:30
  • Bog walk with photographer Adrian Crawley 13:00-14:00

And later in the afternoon at the Imbolic Bog Cafe ( 15:30 - 18:30:

  • TALK - Bogs and pre-christian beliefs with archaeologist Dr Eve Campbell
  • MAKING A BRIGIT's GIRDLE - Protection Magic with artist Helen Flanagan
  • POETRY - Niamh Beirne & Nuala Leonard
  • MUSIC - Piper Brendan McCreanor



Please the the Friends of Ardee Bog website or contact Anne (086 174 1461) for further information.


2024-01-28T17:32:54+00:00January 28th, 2024|

World Wetlands Day 2024 – Stormanstown Bog (Louth I)

Date: 02/02/2024
Time: 10:00 - 15:40

To celebrate WWD, we in Louth would love you to join us for:

  • Forest bathing with forest therapy guide Fiona Crawley (booking required via the QR code below) 10:o0 - 12:30 2nd February
  • a bog wander from 14:00 - 15:40 on Friday 2nd.

more events are on Saturday 3rd (see other link)

Further information from Anne on 086 174 1461

2024-01-28T17:20:40+00:00January 28th, 2024|

World Wetlands Day 2024 – Peatlands Park (Tyrone)

Date: 03/02/2024
All-day event
Location: Peatlands Park

The Biodiversity and Education team from Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council are hosting an event at Peatlands Park which lies within the Lough Neagh Ramsar site (also designated ASSI/SAC protected area).

GCE Biology students from within our council borough have been invited to attend our programme to mark World Wetlands Day which is our inaugural effort to formally recognise this important day.

The programme will comprise discussion and demonstration of

  • the importance of the ecosystem services which wetlands generally and more specifically peatlands provide.
  • The present problems/issues contributing to the poor condition of 80% of our peatland in Northern Ireland
  • Ongoing and future peat recovery projects

The site manager and peatland experienced guides will lead guided walks around the Peatlands Park site to showcase bogs which are in good and poor condition and highlight the measures currently employed to improve and restore areas which have become degraded due to commercial cutting and extraction of peat.

Students will also have an opportunity to discover the unique biodiversity of this site and learn about the adaptations of peatland flora in particular the key role of sphagnum moss the bog-builder.


On 3rd February we are running a Rhododendron Removal Volunteer Event which is open to the public (20 places) this is intended to promote the human wellbeing messaging of healthy Wetlands/Peatlands including the physical and mental health benefits of working in nature settings.

2024-01-29T13:06:05+00:00January 28th, 2024|

World Wetland’s Day – Photo competition (Monaghan)

Start date: 28/01/2024
End date: 31/01/2024
Time: 00:00 - 00:00

To celebrate World Wetlands Day on February 2nd we are having a Photography Competition ! Just get out to your nearest wetland – a bog, stream, river, pond, lake – and take a photo of what you see!! No shortage of Wetlands in Monaghan, so no excuses ! It might be a duck, a heron, a boat, fishing, some frogspawn, a plant- or maybe you, your dog or your family swimming or enjoying the wetlands!  As long as it celebrates the many wonderful wetlands we have in Monaghan, it’s eligible!  Email your photos to Closing date is Wed January 31st. Prizes for kids, teens and adults.

2024-01-28T17:34:40+00:00January 28th, 2024|

World Wetlands Day 2024 – (Fermanagh)

Date: 01/02/2024
Time: 00:00 - 00:00
Location: tbc

Local Ulster Wildlife expert Giles Knight is giving a talk on raptors in Fermanagh on 1st February 2024.

Numbers are strictly limited so registration is essential so if interested please contact for details on timing and venue.

2024-01-28T17:03:49+00:00January 28th, 2024|

World Wetlands Day 2024 – Cloughjordan (Tipperary)

Date: 02/02/2024
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Location: Thomas McDonagh Museum

Cloughjordan Heritage Group invite you to participate in local events as part of a global celebration of wetlands.

On 2nd February we will be hosting talks on:

  • The Cloughjordan Conservation Cluster: Lough Nahinch Survey and Tipperary Wetlands Survey - a talk by Jim Ryan (ecologist), Community Wetlands Forum
  • Nature, well-being and green prescribing - Dr Roisin Costello (GP)

Meet at the Thomas McDonagh Museum 2-3pm. Admission is FREE

2024-01-28T16:57:26+00:00January 28th, 2024|

World Wetlands Day – Portmore RSPB (Antrim)

Date: 02/02/2024
Time: 10:00 - 11:30
Location: Portmore RSPB Reserve BT28 2JX

RSPB Northern Ireland invite you to come see the wetland birds of Lough Neagh and its hinterland at its reserve on the eastern shore of the Lough between 10-11.30am.

Site staff will be on hand to help you identify the wildfowl and wading birds, and to chat about the conservation of this wonderful wetland reserve.

For further information contact RSPB HQ (Belvoir Balfast).

2024-01-28T16:50:11+00:00January 28th, 2024|

World Wetlands Day 2024 – Carrownagappul Bog (Galway)

Date: 02/02/2024
Time: 13:00
Location: Galway Living Bog Centre H53TN67

National Parks & Wildlife Service in conjunction with “Galway Living Bog” welcomes you to Wetlands Day – We would love to see you at this year’s event exploring all that Carrownagappul bog has to offer. We will start at the Galway Living Bog Centre,  H53 TN67 Castlegar, (near Mountbellew) Co. Galway at 1pm with a 1 hour presentation on the bog’s ecology, hydrology, restoration measures, flora, fauna etc. We will then travel a short distance to the bog itself for a guided walk.

Carrownagappul Bog SAC, adjacent to the Galway town of Mountbellew, is one of the biggest SACs and one of the largest examples of remaining, restorable active raised bog in Ireland. Measuring 850 acres it contains fine examples of raised bog habitat and species, and between 2016 – 2020 it is one of 12 raised bogs nationwide that will be restored under a European funded LIFE project: ‘The Living Bog’.

All are welcome and we look forward to see you there!

Contact details (if required): 090 96 79765.

2024-01-30T14:35:22+00:00January 28th, 2024|

World Wetlands Day 2024 – Cabragh Wetlands (Tipperary)

Date: 03/02/2024
Time: 11:00
Location: Cabragh Wetlands Centre

Cabragh Wetlands are an amazing place and we'd love you to come visit and hear a talk on the birds of the wetlands by Kevin Collins and a talk by Micheal Long about people's connections to wetlands.

Tea/coffee and light refreshments will be provided.

2024-01-28T16:36:53+00:00January 28th, 2024|
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